



当全世界的注意力开始集中于下几周的南非足球 世界杯,我们请求,在每场比赛开始之前,仅仅用一分钟,让我们中的每个人向南非、非洲和全世界秉住清晰的和平、安全和正直的意图。

通过这样做,我们以使我们的心灵成为爱、正直 与和平来聚集我们的集体意识,从而制造出一波能够使所有形式的负面一扫而空的爱的大浪, 改变并使全世界的主要意识形态得到提升。这是我们这样做的绝好机会。

想想,数以亿计的思想集中在和平与正直上!!在每场比赛前花点时间。看,总共有64场比赛,即使你不在看比赛,去协调这和平与正直的大浪。去感受在你心中的那份平和与爱就够了。那 就是所有它所需要的。科学家们已经证明了集体思想改变它们注意力所集中的东西的力量。

让我们通过南 非、通过任何其它国家,通过全世界创造一场和平的大浪吧。你能够想象你、我通过一同做这,能够作出什么样的大改 变吗?让我们抓住这难得的机会去促进一个安全的,可靠地,愉悦的大事件发生吧!它会给全世界带来正面感。我们能表演非凡的魔法!!!

请与每一个你 认识的人分享这个信息并传播它,让它在全世界传播,并创造一股正直与和平之浪。






14:02:2014 - 09:00H BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA

14:02:2014 – 07:00H BEIJING, CHINA

Bradley Manning

1,000 days without trial.Attend one of 58 events in support of Bradley!

Join the international call to action in support of Bradley Manning, the heroic soldier who has been persecuted for doing the right thing - for exposing war crimes to motivate worldwide discussions, debates and reform.

Events planned worldwide on Feb 23, in support of Bradley Manning on his 1,000th day imprisoned without trial

An enormous outpouring of support for Bradley!

Events include protests, rallies, hip-hop performances, concerts, and art. We ask you attend an event near you this weekend to educate others about Bradley, and also to show the military authorities that people worldwide support him. Soldiers are supposed to have the right to a speedy trial, not only under the US Constitution but also under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Yet Bradley's court martial has been delayed as the military has continuously created roadblocks in the defense's way to access important evidence and offer a whistle-blower plea.

U.S. Events

Tucson, AZ Feb 23, 11am-5pm
Tempe, AZ Feb 23, 5:30-6:30pm
Guerneville, CAFeb 23, 12-1pm
Cahuenga (L.A.), CA Feb 23, 9-11am
Los Angeles, CAFeb 23, 5:30-6:30
Long Beach (L.A.), CA Feb 23 at 1pm until Feb 24 at 2pm
Montrose (L.A.), CA Feb 23, 5:30-7pm
Studio City (L.A.), CA Feb 22, 6:30-7:30pm
San Francisco, CAFeb 23, 1-4pm
San Diego, CAFeb 23, 7-9pm
Denver, CO Feb 23, 12-3:30pm
Washington, DCFeb 24, 6:30-9pm
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Feb 23, 12-1:30pm
Pensacola, FL Feb 23, 5:30-6:30pm
Tallahassee, FLFeb 23, 12-1pm
Honolulu, HI Feb 22, 4-5:30pm
Chicago, IL Feb 23, 12-1:30pm
Ft. Leavenworth, KS Feb 23, 1-3pm

Boston, MA Feb 23, 1-2pm
Augusta, ME Feb 23, 11:30am-12pm
Portland, ME Feb 23, 12pm
Detroit, MI Feb 23, 3-8pm
Eatentown, NJ Feb 23, 12-1:30pm
New Orleans, LAFeb 23, 2-6pm
Minneapolis, MN Feb 23, 9:30am-12pm
Wilmington, NC Feb 23, 12-1:45pm
Albuquerque, NM Feb 23, 10am-12pm
New York, NY Feb 23, 2-4pm
Rochester, NY Feb 23, 10am-12pm
Toledo, OH Feb 23, 12pm
Corvallis, OR ongoing
Philadelphia, PA Feb 23, 2-4pm
Newport, RI Feb 23, 1-2pm
Austin, TX Feb 23, 10:30am
Houston, TX Feb 23, All Day
Bristol, VT Feb 23, 10am-12pm
Seattle, WA Feb 23, 12-4pm

International Events

Melbourne, Australia Feb 22, 2-4pm
Sydney, AustraliaFeb 23, 11am-2pm
Vancouver, Canada Feb 23, 1-5pm
Paris, France Feb 23, 3-5pm
Berlin, GermanyFeb 23, 12:30-3pm
Brussels, BelgiumFeb 23, 1-2pm
Kaiserslautern, Germany Feb 23, All Day
Rome, Italy Feb 23, 4-5pm
Oslo, Norway Feb 23, 10am-12pm
Oporto, PortugalFeb 23, 3-6pm
Seoul, South Korea Feb 23, 11am
Kampala, UgandaFeb 23, 10am-12pm

Dublin, Ireland Feb 23, 1-3pm
Birmingham, UK Feb 23, 2pm
London, UK Feb 23, 2pm
Peterborough, UK Feb 23, 12-2pm
Yorkshire, UK Feb 23, 11am
Fairford UK Feb 23, 9:30am-12pm
Bangor, Wales Feb 23, 11am-2pm
Cardiff, Wales Feb 23, 10:30am-2:30pm

On June 3, 100 days from Saturday, the military prosecution will pursue a truth-chilling life sentence at Bradley's long-overdue court martial. Public demonstrations are the best way to give this young whistle-blower a fighting chance at freedom. There has never been a more important time to broadcast our support for exposing war crimes, international justice, and people’s right to know what the government does in our name.

Find an event in your area, or host your own!

If you attend an event, please take photos and e-mail them to

Thank you for supporting Bradley Manning

Help us continue to cover 100%
of Bradley's legal fees!
Donate today.